Specialty Area Classes

Tate’s School is committed to rigorous academics, individualized hands-on instruction, and character development. Students are challenged to think critically and creatively in a structured environment where excellence is rewarded, and individual effort is encouraged. We provide a safe environment for students to explore teamwork, collaborative learning, and leadership skills while boosting self-confidence and increasing emotional intelligence.

Physical Education (P. E.) is a vital and unique part of the total educational experience at Tate’s. P.E. is held outside daily except on inclement weather days. Swimming instruction for four – six weeks each fall is a favorite student activity. Our P.E. curriculum focuses on Body/Brain Movement Development, Social/Group Interaction, Enthusiasm for Fitness and Physical Conditioning and Self Confidence Building. Years of experience and research shows that children need the time outdoors to clear their minds, relieve tension, and have an opportunity to socialize with their friends. When they return to the classroom, they are refreshed and ready for academic tasks.

Female student singing with microphoneYoung students will explore music in diverse and hands-on ways! Students will enjoy playing instruments, reading music, and understanding phrasing, rhythm, harmony, and tempo. Performances are planned at various times to allow students opportunities to exhibit their talents and develop their stage presence. All students sing age-appropriate and seasonal songs, listen to music, play rhythm instruments, and study various composers and music styles from each period of music history. Middle School electives include Band, Choir, and General Music.

guest-speakerLibrary use is known to spark creativity and enhance vocabulary. At Tate’s, students learn to use the library system for research projects, class assignments, language enrichment, and general reading enjoyment. Guest authors, book fairs, and literary offerings for every interest inspire our students to appreciate library resources as an essential tool in an advanced learning environment.

student-art-clayTate’s School is dedicated to educating the whole child and consistently emphasizes creativity and imagination. Art education gives students the ability to problem-solve and foster creative thinking by exploring various media including painting, drawing, print making, clay, sculpture, weaving, and mixed media. Within each of these units of study we Explore various vocabulary and techniques, Create using purposeful artistic expression, Connect art to other disciplines including major artists and the appreciation of art history, and students Respond to art by evaluating their own work and the work of others. The annual Art Show and Family Art Night showcases the amazing talent and hard work of all our budding artists!

Fluency in a second language and cultural understanding is especially important in today’s global world economy. Spanish instruction begins with our preschool students and continues through eighth grade. Graduates are regularly placed in advanced language courses in high school because of their language immersion experience at Tate’s.

All students are introduced to age-appropriate vocabulary and grammatical concepts. Hispanic culture is examined as an integral part of the language itself. Instruction is presented using games, visual aids, songs, and movement, supporting the belief that fun, stress-free learning creates retention and a positive attitude about learning a second language.

Student dressed in attire for Latin classLatin is offered as a requirement of our Middle School language curriculum. Latin builds the foundation for the study of romance languages commonly found in high school and is the primary language for science vocabulary, connecting directly to our STEAM curriculum. It is important to be creative and incorporate mythology into the Latin curriculum, making interdisciplinary connections with literature, writing, and world history.

technologyToday’s youth must be equipped with the technical knowledge and skills that are essential to succeed in the classroom, workplace, and in life. However, relying on it excessively lessens the essential core academic and social experience we promote.

Digital Design Fabrication is introduced in our FAB LAB, a makerspace featuring Apple Computers, Makerbot3D printers, and robotics. Students can take mathematical, scientific, and historical projects from concept to reality in this creative “collaboratory.” Our classroom technology ratio is 1:1 (one device per student) and grades 5-8 utilize their computer during project-based learning experiences, research, note taking, data collection, novel studies, and writing. Technology is integrated into every content area with a focus on understanding appropriate use and care.